Photo Exhibition

5/1 - 6/30, Cary Memorial Library

Feeling inspired? Vote for your favorite photo by 6/30

Feeling adventurous? Play the scavenger hunt game to win a prize!

Asians in Lexington: One Village One Dream Photography Exhibition aims to celebrate the contributions of Asian Americans to Lexington through a photo exhibition in the Cary Memorial Library. About 100 photos have been selected and exhibited in the Cary Memorial Library throughout the months of May and June of 2022.

The event intends to

  • Introduce Asian culture by showcasing Asian involvement in townwide activties
  • Celebrate the contributions of Asians in the Lexington community
  • Build a strong sense of community among Asians in Lexington

Photography Exhibition Locations:

Piper Gallery (Main Floor)

Pierce Gallery (Lower Floor)

Large Meeting Room (Lower Floor)

Scavenger Hunt Game:

There are 18 clues. Each clue corresponds to a picture, which contributes one letter to the hidden message. The clues are listed in chronological order (i.e. the first clue will reveal the first letter of the hidden message). The hidden message is a four word phrase, and each word is separated by a [space].

The clues are given in this structure:
#. [clue for the photo] : [clue for the letter]

Color key:

Photos found in the Piper Gallery are in Blue
Photos found in the Pierce Gallery are in Red
Photos found in the Large Meeting Room are in Green

When you have found all the letters, submit your decoded message through the Google form.

Example Clue


Little girl reading book: first letter of the title

How to solve the clue:

The green text color corresponds to the large meeting room, meaning the picture is found in the large meeting room.

Once you found the picture in the large meeting room, now you find that the title of the pictures is "Meeting Our Ancestors", so the answer to the clue is the first letter of the title, "M"

Here are the clues:

1. Flag of Switzerland: first letter of the title

2. Chinese Opera at Cary Hall: first letter of the title

3. Two Veterans saluting Asian Americans: first letter of the title


4. Heart-shaped lights: first letter of the title

5. Peace-shirt kid holding a toy gun: first letter of the title

6. People with umbrellas in the snow: first letter of the title

7. Ballet (with the title meaning a small plant): first letter of the title

8. An herb festival: first letter of the title

9. Orange shirt people in running competition: first letter of the title

10. Blowing bubbles: fifth letter of the title


11. Nine lanterns at the top of the photo: first letter of the title

12. Yellow car in the rain: first letter of 4th word in the title

13. A big group of people performing in red and black: first letter of 2nd word in the title


14. People smelling a Chinese herb: first letter of the photographer’s name

15. Running in the snow: the first letter of the title

16. Performers before the blue curtain at Cary Library: first letter of 2nd word in the title

17. Lion Dance in school: third letter of the photographer’s name

18. When life gives you lemons: the photo number is the position of the letter in the alphabet: 1=a, 2=b, etc.

When you've found the hidden message, fill out this form and enter yourself to the raffle:

Our team: Jaden Leung (team leader), David Zhao (co-leader), Joseph Jia (website & form designer), Ethan Shao (content writer), Ashley Zhang (image organizer), Neil Lin (clue writer)